The Secret in Marriage

Welcome to Gospel Diary Weekly Devotion. Presented by Pastor Chris S. Akpan. Week 4, October 2024.

Topic: The Secret in Marriage.

Bible Verse:
And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. - Genesis 2:22 (NIV).

Bible Reading:
Genesis 2:18-25, Ephesians 5:25-33

"I was struggling in my marriage until I realized that my wife was my helpmate, sent by God. Now, our relationship is filled with love, respect, and understanding." - Brother Emmanuel Nelson.

Practical Tips:
1. Communicate effectively with your spouse.

2. Cultivate intimacy and emotional connection.

3. Support each other's goals and dreams.

4. Forgive and seek forgiveness.

5. Prioritize quality time together.

Word of 
Marriage is a divine institution. Trust God's plan, and may your relationship be a reflection of His love.

Powerful Words:
I declare that my marriage is blessed, fruitful, and filled with love. My spouse and I are united in Christ.

Mental Health 
Meditation for the Week:
Reflect on the qualities that make your spouse special. Focus on gratitude and appreciation.

Dear Heavenly Father, strengthen our marriages, and fill us with love, patience, and understanding. Amen.

Additional Resources:
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Stay blessed, and have a wonderful week.


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