
Showing posts with the label Biblical principles

Biblical Principles for Conflict Resolution in Different Contexts

Introduction : Conflict is inevitable, and it can arise in various contexts, including the church, family, friendships, and community. As believers, it's essential to resolve conflicts in a biblical manner, considering the unique dynamics of each context. In this study, we'll explore biblical principles for conflict resolution and apply them to different contexts. Matthew 18:15-17 : Jesus teaches us how to resolve conflicts with our brothers and sisters in Christ. If someone sins against us, we should: 1. Go to them privately and address the issue (v. 15). 2. If they refuse to listen, take one or two others along to mediate (v. 16). 3. If they still refuse to listen, take the issue to the church (v. 17). 1 Corinthians 6:1-8: Paul addresses the Corinthian church's tendency to take each other to court. He reminds them that: 1. Believers should not take each other to court (vv. 1-4). 2. Instead, they should appoint wise believers to mediate and resolve conflicts (vv. 5-6). 3. ...