
Showing posts with the label #JesusIsComing

A Divine Warning: Share the Gospel

I WAS TOUCHED IN THE SPIRIT, WHEN I READ THIS: One of Our Pastors was preaching yesterday evening, and He said: 3 weeks ago, while He was doing Morning Evangelism, a Man came out of His house listening and responding - Amen to His Prayers. After He finished preaching, the Man came to Him and said Pastor, I want to speak with you. While they were yet discussing, the Man showed Him His house. He said: see that upstairs, GOD built it for Me as a reason of Me Evangelising for HIM. But now, I don't Evangelise anymore and I don't know why, but I'm still serving GOD... The man said: "My Wife died 2 weeks ago. While the Pastor was trying to sympathise with Him, He said no, because She returned back to life. And He started crying ... The Pastor was curious to know why He was crying, and the Man said: She died in an operation and the doctors confirmed Her dead, but She returned back to life with a message ... And the message was: Go and tell Your Husband and everyone, as many as...